Addictions are often just as unique as each person who has them. That’s why we create a personalized plan for each patient, taking into account their needs and long-term goals. At Meridian Behavioral Health, we also take a holistic approach, as drug and alcohol addiction affects both mental and physical health. We offer a judgment-free environment, taking the time to get to know you so we can understand how we can best help.

Get Answers

We know there can be a lot of uncertainty about what treatment is like. We’ve collected answers to some of the most common questions so you feel clear and confident about each step of the way.

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No person is an island. That’s why our approach to drug and alcohol treatment is designed to bring healing to the individual, their family, and their community.

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Ongoing support

When you walk out of a Meridian Behavioral Health facility, the support you received goes with you. We offer support to our alumni with programming that carry forward the coping strategies started in treatment.

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Get Help Now

If you or a loved one needs help, or just someone to talk to, we’re here. Our lines are open day and night—give us a ring, we’re here and ready to listen.

1 877 367 1715